How To guide |
Select an operational risk category from
the operation risk category drop down
Hit the green button with the "+ " sign to
add a row for the operational risk category
Select the operational
risk in the drop down in the first column for the given operation risk
To input multiple operation risk a given
operational risk category, simply add the requisite number of rows.
operational risk category, simply add the requisite number of rows.
To add an operational risk that is not
there in the drop down for the given operational risk category, select others. A
test box will appear where you can input your operational risk type.
For e.g. you want to add a new operational
risk called bank fraud which should have been fraud operational risk category.
Simply select others in the drop down, a text box will appear where you can input
your operational risk
To add a different operational risk for a
different operational risk category, simply change the currently selected operation
risk category in the operational risk category drop down to the one you want and hit
the green + button
This will add a new row with a drop down
containing the operational risk for the given operational risk category
Fill out all the columns under the
Internal, external dependencies and overall assessment column.
Input the range for severity for each
operational risk and hit the "Generate operational risk heat map" button.